

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Easier customer access to data promised

The government has again said that it will act against businesses and other organisations which do not voluntarily release data held on customers who ask to see it. This follows a warning in August from Ministers that  a new law would be...

19 November 2012


Online teacher bullying on the increase

According to a report by the BBC, an increasing number of teachers are reporting that they are being bullied online. For information and advice on safe social networking, click here A helpline set up for people who work with children said that...

16 November 2012


Facebook page scams Twilight fans

Whilst many fans of the vampire-themed fantasy romance series 'Twilight' are finding it hard to contain their excitement about this week's release of 'Breaking Dawn: Part 2,' scammers are making the most of the opportunity...

14 November 2012


Flash updates now on a Tuesday

8 November 2012


Man arrested for cyber-attack attempt

Police have arrested a 41 year old man over an alleged cyber-attack on the websites of Home Secretary Theresa May and the Home Office. For more information on safe internet use, click here For more information on protecting your website, click...

7 November 2012

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