

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Online banking fraud still on the increase

Fraudulent online banking activity continues to show a marked increase, according to figures released by Financial Fraud Action UK. For information and advice on safe online banking, click here The 12% increase - to £39.6m in 2012 from...

13 March 2013


Use of personal devices at work must be controlled

A YouGov survey commissioned by the Information Commissioner’s Office indicates that many employers appear to exhibit a lackadaisical attitude to allowing staff to use their own devices in the workplace ... a situation that may be placing...

11 March 2013


Cybercrime gang closed down

11 March 2013


Microsoft email validation warning is a scam

An email that appears to come from Microsoft warning of a software vulnerability and requesting you to validate your email account information, is a scam and should be deleted. For information and advice about how to spot and deal with email...

8 March 2013


Facebook’s Open Graph sparks new privacy concerns

Facebook's upcoming new Open Graph search tool is causing concern amongst critics that it could become an increasingly important tool for employers to research potential job candidates. For information and advice on safe social networking,...

4 March 2013

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