

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Mums more likely to have online safety talk with kids

8th October 2013 Mothers are more likely than fathers to ensure that their children are properly informed about safe internet use, according to a new survey.  For information and advice on safeguarding children, click here. The study -...

7 October 2013


New guide on keeping your smartphone safe

7th October 2013 Four organisations have joined forces to publish a simple guide for consumers on how to keep their smartphones safe. We recommend that you view and download the guide to share with family members and friends who have...

7 October 2013


Silk Road drugs marketplace boss refused bail

5th October 2013 Ross Ulbricht, the man thought to be behind the online illegal drugs marketplace Silk Road, has been refused bail at a court appearance in San Francisco today. US prosecutors consider that he is too dangerous to be released...

5 October 2013


Online vehicle fraud increasing – buyers & sellers take care

3rd October 2013 Online vehicle fraud is costing this country over £1.6million per year, with an average loss in excess of £1,400 per victim. For information and advice on buying and selling vehicles online safely, click here The...

2 October 2013


Half a million botnet computers disabled

2nd October 2013 One of the world's largest networks of computers remotely controlled by criminals, has been partially disabled. For information and advice on keeping your computer safe from viruses and spyware, click here Global...

2 October 2013


Watch out for Ukash loan scam

1st October 2013 A new loans scam is fooling people into using Ukash vouchers to pay a fee to secure a loan. For more information on loan scams, click here. Online cash payment provider Ukash is warning consumers of a new loans scam and...

1 October 2013


Apple mobile users: update your iOS 7 now

30th September 2013 Apple iPhone and iPad users with iOS 7 ... have you updated your software to iOS 7.0.2. yet? If not, we recommend that you do so. For information and advice on keeping your smartphone or tablet safe, click...

30 September 2013

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