

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Watch out for ticket and other World Cup scams

March 17th 2014 Football fans are being warned to be on the lookout for scams connected with the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, which kicks off on June 12th ... less than three months away. Our colleagues at Action Fraud and the National Fraud...

17 March 2014


‘’ parking fine email is a scam

March 12th 2014 Our colleagues at Action Fraud, the UK's national fraud reporting centre, has flagged a number of calls from the public reporting having received emails that claim they have to pay a parking fine. For information and advice...

12 March 2014


Man installed webcam spy software on women’s computers

March 6th 2014 A 30-year-old man found guilty of installing spying software on women's computers to watch them remotely, will be sentenced in April. For more information about webcam spyware, click here. This week Andrew Meldrum from...

6 March 2014


Warning on rising holiday booking fraud

March 4th 2014 Get Safe Online has joined forces with ABTA and The City of London Police’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) to warn the general public about the dangers posed by holiday booking fraud. For information and advice...

3 March 2014


Mac users: avoid apps from file sharing sites

March 3rd 2014 Apple Mac users have been warned not to download pirated software from file-sharing peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, following diiscovery of new malware. For information and advice on downloading and file sharing, click...

3 March 2014


Virgin Media launches network filter system

March 1st 2014 Virgin Media has introduced filters to help parents protect their children from vieiwing inappropriate material online. For information and advice on safeguarding children, click here. BT, Sky and TalkTalk have already turned...

1 March 2014

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