

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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BBC launches guide to scam emails

November 10th 2014 The BBC has launched its iWonder Guide entitled 'Would you fall for a scam email?', presented by Kate Russell (shown here), Reporter on BBC's Click - the online bulletin on how computers and digital technology...

10 November 2014


Windows 10 security features revealed

November 1st 2014 Microsoft has revealed a number of significant new security features that will be built into its forthcoming Microsoft 10 operating system. Firstly, the new operating system's multi-factor authentication solution - built...

1 November 2014


True cost of online crime revealed

October 21st 2014 • 51% of Britons have experienced an online crime • Half of victims of online crime ‘very or extremely violated’ by their experience • 54% of Britons now want to unmask the cyber crooks behind online...

31 October 2014


New cyber lesson plan for schools

27 October 2014


Microsoft issues PowerPoint flaw fix

25 October 2014 Microsoft has published a temporary fix following the discovery of a new zero-day flaw that affects almosts all versions of Windows and is currently being exploited via PowerPoint. The flaw, which affects all Windows releases...

27 October 2014


World’s first biometric payment card launched

October 27th 2014 MasterCard has teamed up with Norwegian biometrics company Zwipe to launch what they say is the world’s first biometric contactless payment card, with the biometric authentication replacing the need to enter a PIN. The...

27 October 2014


Hacked posted Snapchat images include children

October 13th 2014 Hackers have fulfilled their threat over the weekend to post more than 100,000 images and videos online, sent using the Snapchat app. The material has been intercepted over a long period of time by the hackers, who have...

13 October 2014


Snappening – massive leak of Snapchat pics imminent

October 11th 2014 Hackers are reportedly planning a massive online leak of images captured using the controversial photo messaging app Snapchat. For information and advice on responsible social networking, click here Up to 200,000 photos and...

11 October 2014

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