

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Fake National Savings website targets pensioners

April 28th 2015 Over 65s are being warned to watch out for a bogus NS&I (National Savings & Investments) website set up by fraudsters. For information and advice on protecting yourself from fraud, click here A number of members of...

28 April 2015


Beware of Nepal earthquake scam appeals

April 27th 2015 Saturday's massive earthquake and the ensuing aftershock in Nepal has brought misery to thousands, with a rapidly mounting death and injury toll and many losing their homes. Natural catastrophes such as this always present...

27 April 2015


It’s time to spring clean your internet connected devices

April 19th 2015 Spring is here, the sun is shining (well, for the time being) and we're urging you to spring clean your computers, laptops, tablets and phones, to help prevent you from becoming a victim of cybercrime. This follows recent...

15 April 2015


Holiday bookers being conned out of £2.2 million a year

April 12th 2014 With Easter over and people turning their thoughts to booking summer holidays, ABTA, The City of London Police and Get Safe Online have re-joined forces to warn of the dangers posed by holiday booking fraud. For information and...

10 April 2015


Beebone Malware Alert

The National Crime Agency (NCA) and Get Safe Online are today urging the public and small businesses to protect themselves against a powerful type of malicious software (malware) that has hit the UK and could cost computer users millions of...

9 April 2015

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