

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Fraudsters use spoof texts in new bank scam

June 9th 2015 Many of us are familiar with 'social engineering' phone calls and emails claiming to be from our bank, but actually sent by criminals in an attempt to gain our confidential financial details. In a new twist to this...

11 June 2015


New warning about online ticket fraud

June 9th 2015 As we head into summer, people around the UK are getting prepared for a hectic few months of festivals, sporting events, concerts and of course, holidays. For information and advice about buying tickets safely online, click...

8 June 2015


British Muslims warned about Hajj fraud

June 1st 2015 British Muslims booking trips to Mecca this September to celebrate Hajj are being warned about the threat of fraudsters trying to con them with bogus travel packages. For information and advice on safe holiday and travel booking,...

1 June 2015


Identity fraud up by 27% in first quarter of 2015

May 28th 2015 New data shows that identity fraud was the dominant was the principal kind of fraud perpetrated in the UK in the first three months of this year. 34,151 confirmed instances of identity fraud were recorded in the period representing...

28 May 2015


Warning about buying fake beauty products

May 18th 2015 In a call for consumers to ‘Wake up - don’t fake up!’ the City of London Police unit is highlighting the dangers of buying and using counterfeit goods such as make-up, perfume, electrical hair stylers and sun...

18 May 2015


Data regulator launches review of children’s websites & apps

May 12th 2015 The Information Commissioner's Offic e (ICO) has begun a review of websites and apps used by children, as part of an international project to consider privacy concerns around the type of personal information services...

12 May 2015


Beware Apple iTunes scam emails

May 11th 2015 You are being warned to watch out for fraudulant emails claiming to be sent by Apple iTunes, detailing a recent purchase.  For information and advice on spam and scam email, click here. According to Action Fraud and...

11 May 2015

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