

The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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Over half of young gamers experience abuse

May 31st 2017 Research carried out with young online gamers by anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label, has revealed that 57% of those surveyed had been victims of bullying online when playing games. For information and advice on safe online...

31 May 2017


Scammers taking advantage after ransomware attack

May 24th 2017 Action Fraud - the UK's national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre -  has received the first reports of 'technical support' scammers claiming to be from Microsoft, exploiting the global WannaCry ransomware...

24 May 2017


Most PCs affected by WannaCry running Windows 7

May 22nd 2017  It has been reported that he majority of PCs infected by the WannaCry ransomware worm in last week's cyberattack were running Windows 7. Two security software firms have said that most used the older version of the...

22 May 2017


Ransomware: urgent advice for Windows XP users

May 15th 2017  Since Friday, the news has been dominated by the ransomware attack which has impacted heavily on a number of hospitals and GP practices across the UK – with organisations in up to 75 other countries also falling victim....

15 May 2017


Patients reassured after cyberattack hits NHS

Updated May 13th 2017 A cyberattack against the NHS, which has affected around 40 hospitals and GP surgeries across the country, has been used to hold organisations in up to 100 organisations around the world to ransom. In some cases, as well...

12 May 2017


Home Affairs Committee slams social networks

May 1st 2017 The Home Affairs Select Committee has issued a report damning social networks for lack of responsibility when it comes to tackling illegal and dangerous content. It says that hate speech, terror recruitment videos and sexual...

1 May 2017


Wonga gives conflicting advice after data breach

April 10th 2016 Payday lender Wonga has admitted that the personal data of some 270,000 customers – of which 245,000 are in the UK – has been stolen in a data breach. The balance of the customers affected are thought to be in...

10 April 2017

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