December 31st 2013
Have you made your New Year resolutions yet?
Resolving to drink or eat less, quit smoking, cycle to work or be nicer to the in-laws in 2014 is very admirable, but will they be easy to stick to … and will you even remember what you promised yourself when the end of January comes?
At Get Safe Online, we'd like to suggest some resolutions that you can both keep to throughout the year, and easily remember too. We admit to being a little greedy in that we're asking you to make not one, but three resolutions, but with good reason. These are the basic things you need to remember to do in order to keep safe when you're shopping, banking, paying, chatting, networking, dating, gaming, gambling, booking your holiday… in fact any of the multitude of things you do on the internet.
Of course, we have much, much more advice on this website, but make these resolutions now and chances are that it will make you more aware of the other things you need to do.
Your three New Year resolutions
You can click on each resolution to get more information and advice.
1. I resolve to choose, use and protect my passwords and PINs carefully
2. I resolve to ensure that my internet security software and firewall are always up to date and switched on
3. I resolve to be very careful about the amount of personal and financial information I reveal, and to whom
It just remains for us to say Happy New Year from all of the team here at Get Safe Online!