Safer Internet Day is here, and visitors to Get Safe Online who are concerned with the safety and wellbeing of children in their care can all play their part in getting the message across.
Whether you are a parent or guardian, grandparent, auntie or uncle, teacher or playgroup leader, we'd like to encourage you to think about how you can help ensure that children have a safe and enjoyable online experience without being exposed to one or more of the many risks they could otherwise face.
Maybe your child has already had the misfortune to encounter inappropriate or offensive material – be it adult content or hate websites. Perhaps you know a child who has been bullied by text or in a chatroom. Or you're in despair because you've done everything you can to protect against access to this kind of material on the home PC, but you don't know what to do about that new smartphone or tablet you bought them for Christmas.
Today, schools, partners of the Safer Internet Centre and many other organisations across the country (and 70 other countries around the world) are highlighting the importance of keeping protected from the many risks that our children and young people face when online on their computers, smartphones and tablets. The theme is "Connect with Respect”.
Get Safe Online – in conjunction with partners SOCA (Serious Organised Crime Agency, SCDEA (Scottish Crime & Drug Enforcement Agency) and Trend Micro – is talking with children in selected schools about online safety and running an incentive for the kids to pass on an online safety tip. The schools are:
– Hawthorn High School Cardiff
– Luckley Oakfield School, Wokingham
– Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh
– Broughton High School, Edinburgh
– Fairfield High School, Bristol
Five pupils per year group will become ‘Cyber Pro-Prefects’ and take online safety responsibility for their year group. Their challenge will be to pass on internet safety advice from the assembly to their peers, who will in turn pledge to these internet safety guidelines. Those who take the pledge will receive a multi-colour ‘Connect with Respect’ bracelet to show they will adhere to responsible internet use.
Are the kids in your life taking part in activities at their school today?
May we suggest a visit to our page on safeguarding children right here on this website? It features practical, unbiased advice on how to protect your children and also links to other websites in the event that you have specific worries.