

The Get Safe Online blog provides insights, advice and opinions on the current cyber security threats, helping you get safe online.

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Stay scam safe in 2025

13 January 2025

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Adolescents and internet safety – how to keep your kids safe from cyberbullying

While the internet has completely changed the way people communicate and keep in touch, it has also opened the doors for cyberbullying. Children as young as nowadays take part in social networking and instant messaging, but, of course, are unaware...

26 May 2017


Voice controlled devices: how safe are they, and are you ready?

It's only a matter of time before voice controlled devices, appliances and programs become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. The clunky, difficult-to-use systems of the past have been replaced with sleeker, more intuitive solutions that...

24 May 2017


Ransomware: ‘WannaCry’ guidance for home users and small businesses

Guidance for home users or small businesses who want to reduce the likelihood of being held to ransom by WannaCry (or other types of ransomware). Created:  14 May 2017 Updated:  17 May 2017 The NCSC is currently working with organisations...

18 May 2017


Had a call from ‘Microsoft’ after the ransomware attack?

We’re receiving reports of people receiving phone calls claiming to be from Microsoft and saying they can help protect computers from ransomware. This is in the wake of the ransomware attack which has, over the last few days, affected hundreds of...

15 May 2017


Mortgage calculators – be on the lookout …

Owning our own home is a dream that many of us share, and we dedicate our lives and careers to building up enough money to owning our own property outright. The banks are only too happy in helping us realise this aspiration by helping us with...

21 April 2017


Five important safety considerations to make when posting your CV online

According to the Office of National Statistics, there were approximately 3.6 million instances of computer-related fraud for the year ending September 2016. In addition, the accounting firm KPMG’s fraud barometer found that the cost of online...

21 February 2017


Guide to ISP filters and web blocking

A recent Ofcom report shows children may be too trusting of online content, with more than a quarter of respondents between the ages of 8 and 15, mistakenly believing Google’s top search results were specifically selected by figures of...

15 February 2017


Online dating fraud: a victim’s story

58 year-old David was using an online dating website, and came across someone who he thought was an old friend. They got chatting and it wasn’t long before 'Kerry' had asked him to send £500 towards a plane ticket she needed to buy urgently,...

10 February 2017

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