
The Top 25 passwords of 2013

Like the music chart, there’s also a list of the top passwords used every year. Released by password management company SplashData, unlike the music chart it lists not the Top 40 but the Top 25 passwords used in that year. In common with the music chart, however, it compares the position of each respective password with that of the previous year.

Top 25 Password of 2013

1.  123456 (up 1)
2.  password (down 1)
3.  12345678 (unchanged)
4.  qwerty (up 1)
5.  abc123 (down 1)
6.  123456789 (new)
7.  111111 (up 2)
8.  1234567 (up 5)
9.  iloveyou (up 2)
10.  adobe123 (new)
11.  123123 (up 5)
12.  admin (new)
13.  1234567890 (new)
14.  letmein (down 7)
15.  photoshop (new)
16.  1234 (new)
17.  monkey (down 11)
18.  shadow (unchanged)
19.  sunshine (down 5)
20.  12345 (new)
21.  password1 (up 4)
22.  princess (new)
23.  azerty (new)
24.  trustno1 (down 12)
25.  000000 (new)

We’re constantly hearing – and writing – about large-scale hacks or organisations where users’ login details have been compromised. The issue here is that many people insist on using the same username/password combination on more than one of their online accounts, so it doesn’t take much for the cybercriminal to feign their identity here, there and everywhere.

Why not take a few minutes to check out our advice on choosing and using passwords?

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