
Category: Guest bloggers

24 hours to the best security practices

If you want to know how to protect your computer from hackers, you are in the right place. In this article, we’re going to show you some very easy steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of cyberattack and data theft. And, best of all, you can complete all of these best security […]

Why do people forgo online security?

When the risks are so well publicised, why do people forgo online security? A behavioural scientist explains Today, data breaches are commonplace. Recent media headlines reveal that cyber criminals have tricked an unnamed employee into sending them £200,000, that the criminals who hacked into an investment manager’s email account have made off with $US 4.2m, […]

Has your password been stolen?

If you are worried that your password has been stolen, I’ve got some bad news for you: it’s actually pretty hard to tell. Sure, there are some sites that will tell you if your password has been released as the result of a data breach. The problem is that not all data breaches are publicized, […]

Keeping children safe online

The internet provides a myriad of benefits to adults and children. It can be a great social and learning tool; children have almost instant access to a wealth of information and can communicate with their peers around the world. Playing online games helps to develop hand-to-eye coordination, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Any household that […]

How to protect your child from cyberbullying

As we’re settling into the new school term, the same discussions about how best to protect our children both inside and outside of the education system are coming up. This follows suggestions from the Children’s Commissioner for England that some schools should be doing more to combat abuse and violence – with measures such as […]

The easy way to stop your online accounts getting hacked

A strong password is a good start, but it doesn’t stop there… Whether it’s your Twitter, Amazon, or Netflix account, the explosion in popularity of online apps and services means more and more of us have to remember an increasingly long list of passwords. Unfortunately, some of us cope with this challenge by resorting to practices […]

Online safety for the elderly

The internet is full of possibilities and opportunities to learn, make new friends and even find love. However, it’s also the perfect place for people to take advantage of the anonymity a computer screen offers. Most know that young teenagers are the ideal target for predators, but few think about online safety for older people. […]

Should schools ban phones?

The contentious issue of whether smartphones should be allowed in schools is once again being debated by government officials, parents, and education professionals, following a leaked report on the new government’s education plan. One of the key takeaways from the document, which detailed a raft of proposals, was that school leaders would be encouraged to […]

How to protect your identity … offline

When most people think of identity theft, they probably think of criminals defrauding victims using digital tactics such as MITM (man in the middle) attacks or phishing scams. They see the online world as a place where everything needs encryption or password protection, and the real world as somewhere safer. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t true. […]

Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement

Scammers are targeting pension pots of all sizes. Make sure you know how to spot the warning signs and how to keep your pension safe. Pension scams can be hard to spot. Scammers can be articulate and financially knowledgeable, with credible websites, testimonials and materials that are hard to distinguish from the real thing. How […]