SID22 Webinar – Your Child and Online Gaming
Join our Safer Internet Day 2022 webinar to find out everything you need to know February 8th 2022 at 7:00pm
Online gaming has seen a massive increase in popularity with children over the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of more time spent at home and restrictions on physical social contact. Chances are, your child is gaming more these days.
Most experts agree that playing online games can have many benefi cial effects to our children, developing key cognitive, motor and life skills and encouraging them to keep abreast of the latest technology. However, as with many things children do online, there can also be negatives. This Safer Internet Day (February 8th), please join our free one-hour Gaming4Good webinar where you can hear from a panel of experts in family gaming, psychology, gaming risk and fi nance, about how to approach your child’s gaming to help them get the most out of it … and avoid the pitfalls.
We’ll also be welcoming your questions in a Q&A session at the end of the panel discussion.
Your Panellists

Liz Stanton
Senior Trainer & Family Protection Manager, Get Safe Online

Annette Whalley
Senior Consultant – Education & Financial Wellbeing, HSBC UK

Adrian Sladdin
Gaming and Gambling Safeguarding Expert & Trainer

Mat Hasker
Global Website Director, Get Safe Online, and Gaming Enthusiast

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