
Archives: Business Blog

Cyber attack: how it put me out of business

Lee Moore is a businesswoman and writer who experienced a prolonged and traumatic cyber attack by a supplier between August 2013 and March 2014. It happened because she did not understand the cyber threats to her business nor have a cybersecurity plan in place.  I sowed the seeds of a 7 month, cyber-attack against me […]

Password management for business

A data security breach isn’t something that only happens to other businesses: tens of thousands of websites around the world are hacked every day with each breach costing UK SMB’s an estimated £35,000 to £65,000. The tools and equipment available to hackers today is far more powerful and sophisticated than before, massively improving the success […]

How can businesses avoid the worst effects of cyber-attacks?

Cyber-attacks on businesses are becoming a daily occurrence, and with big companies like Home Depot, Target, eBay and JP Morgan falling victim and hitting the headlines, it would seem that no one is safe. But what is particularly worrying about these attacks is that they were discovered months after being launched. It‘s shocking to learn […]