
Archives: Business Articles

Hybrid Working

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has become the default for millions of workers whose roles were traditionally office based. The resulting widespread shift in working practices – supported by rapid digital transformation and collaboration – has demanded a focus on safe and secure working in an environment where people normally live their […]

PBX Fraud

Set up your business PBX phone system to avoid fraud


CiSP enables members to share cyber threat information and reduce risk.

Mandate Fraud

Don’t be duped into changing details for regular payments your business makes

CEO Impersonation Fraud

Always query irregular email requests for payments, even from a senior colleague.

HMRC/Companies House Scams

Fraudulent emails claiming to be from HMRC are widespread and convincing.

Data Breaches / Security Incidents

You should have a process for managing and reporting security breaches.

Network & Computer Security

The internet has made securing networks and computers a considerably challenging task.

Tele & videoconferencing

One of the key requirements of business meetings is confidentiality, and the same is true of tele and video conferencing.

Supply Chain

Not observing good practice or having robust systems in place could jeopardise the security of organisations up and down the supply chain.